FarStone Inc.
Total Backup Recovery Server hard drive imaging and system backup
30 days money back guarantee

Windows 2003, 2008 & 2000 Server; 32 & 64 bits

Ultima Versione:7.1

Total Backup Recovery® 7 Server

Protegge il tuo business da guasti, minimizza i tempi di down, ripristina la business continuity, incrementa la produttività

Total Backup Recovery 7 Server semplifica i processi di backup e ripristino riducendo al minimo i tempi di down, ripristinando rapidamentela business continuity e incrementando la produttività. Total Backup Recovery 7 Server aiuta nel ripristino da guasti di qualsiasi tipo attraverso una gamma completa di funzionalità di backup & recovery, quali backup di files e cartelle, creazione di immagini complete o incrementali del sistema, schedulazioni "set it & forget it" ("configura e dimentica").

check Backup completo (disk imaging) oppure backup dei files e cartelle selezionati
check Dimentica i tempi di down dei sistemi aziendali!
    Quota Management AES 256 bits encryption Backup Anywhere
    Backup dei file aperti
    Backup dei file mentre sono in uso dall´applicazione, garantendo salvataggi consistenti.
    Supporta tutti i principali database e VMware
    Effettua il backup di files aperti per Microsoft Exchange server, SQL server, SharePoint server, VMware server e Oracle server, senza interruzione alla normale attività.
    VMware™ P2V supporto integrato
    Possibilità di effettuare un backup di una VMware host machine in una immagine Total Backup Recovery, oppure convertire una immagine generata da Total Backup Recovery in un file immagine di VMware (formato VMDK) in modo da eseguirla come macchina virtuale.
  • Total Backup Recovery® 7 Server - Ideale per proteggere i server Windows utilizzando una gestione locale
    Total Backup Recovery Server (per server), Total Backup Recovery Workstation (per notebooks & workstations) editions sono pensati per le aziende, al fine di proteggere servers, notebooks e workstations da qualsiasi tipo di guasto, utilizzando una semplice interfaccia di gestione locale.

  • Gestione delle quote per evitare gli errori dovuti all´esaurimento dello spazio su disco
    Applicazione di limiti specifici per ogni server nell´uso dello storage destinato ad ospitare i backup : i backup più vecchi saranno sovrascritti dai nuovi backup.

  • Schedulatore Intelligente
    I backup (sia di tipo full che ti tipo incrementale) vengono eseguiti automaticamente una volta schedulati, garantendo una soluzione "set it and forget it" per i salvataggi di tutte le workstation e tutti i server.

  • Migra & Aggiorna
    Total Backup Recovery Advanced Server impiega pochi minuti per migrare tutto il sistema - inclusi tutti i files e i documenti, le impostazioni delle applicazioni e il sistema operativo - su un nuovo PC, server o storage.

  • Ricerche con Google Desktop integrate - Rende la ricerca dei dati da recuperare facile come cercare sul web con Google.
    Possibilità di utilizzare l'utility Google Desktop Search per ricercare e-mail, files, foto, e altri "Google Gadgets" nelle immagini generate con Total Recovery.

  • Notifica via mail
    Funzionalità di notifica via mail degli esiti agli amministratori.

  • Esecuzione di script prima e dopo le operazioni
    Esecuzione di script predefiniti prima o alla conclusione delle attività di backup schedulate. Particolarmente utile in caso di installazioni di disaster recovery particolari.

  • Funzionalità FileRescue-911™
    Total Backup Recovery Server include una potente utility che consente di effettuare il boot di un sistema in crash e poter così recuperare i files da un disco che non è operativo.

  • Backup Ovunque
    Backup su disco locale, disco USB, condivisione di rete, CD/DVD, NAS, iSCSI o server FTP attraverso una interfaccia che garantisce un backup "set it and forget it"

  • Semplifica il passaggio ai dischi allo stato solido (Solid State Disk - SSD)
    Total Backup Recovery clona il proprio hard disk e lo replica su un disco SSD in pochi minuti, evitando di dover reinstallare da zero sistema operativo, applicazioni e dati.

  • Ripristino di sistemi in crash su un nuovo storage
    Grazie a Total Backup Recovery, è possibile eseguire un ripristino totale del sistema di tipo "bare metal", cioè su uno storage nuovo e completamente vuoto. Questo tipo di ripristino è notevolmente vantaggioso in quanto può essere fatto in pochi minuti e senza reinstallare ex-novo sistema operativo, applicazioni e dati.

  • Backup geografico dei dati via protocollo FTP
    Total Backup Recovery è in grado di archiviare i backup su un dispositivo remoto via protocollo FTP. In questo modo i dati saranno al sicuro anche in caso di furto o distruzione totale dei dispositivi di storage.

  • Crittografia AES 256 bits
    Total Backup Recovery Server offre il più sicuro standard di crittografia esistente (256 bit AES), lo stesso standard utilizzato dal Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti per prevenire fughe di informazioni riguardanti la sicurezza nazionale.

  • Universal Restore/Dissimilar Restore
    Possibilità di ripristino sullo stesso hardware o su hardware diverso (ad es. in caso di migrazione su un server o PC appena acquistato), oppure su macchina virtuale.

  • Creazione di CD/DVD di ripristino o immagini di ripristino del sistema
    Total Backup Recovery è in grado di creare CD/DVD di ripristino del sistema, oppure un file immagine. Con questi strumenti è possibile archiviare una copia del proprio sistema nel momento in cui gira alla perfezione (es. subito dopo l´installazione del sistema operativo).

  • Tecnologia avanzata di backup incrementale
    Total Backup Recovery Server archivia soltanto i settori del disco che sono stati modificati. Ad esempio il backup di un file Microsoft Outlook (.PST) viene effettuato dalla maggior parte dei software per intero, dopo aver verificato se il file è cambiato. Total Backup Recovery invece archivia soltanto le modifiche effettuate ai settori del disco dove è archiviato il file, salvando ogni volta qualche Kbyte invece di diversi gigabyte (con grande risparmio di tempo e di spazio).

  • Controllo centralizzato dei log
    Consolida tutte le attività eseguite su workstation e server in un unico pannello di controllo centralizzato.

  • Supporto di Windows PE
    L´ambiente di ripristino basato su Windows PE garantisce un supporto totale dell´hardware. Ad esempio RAID 0/1/5/10/JBOD, RAID software, dispositivi di rete e ISCSI sono totalmente supportati.

  • Supporto PXE
    Il supporto dello standard PXE (Pre-Boot Execution Environment) permette di effettuare il boot e il ripristino direttamente dal PXE server,facendo ripartire automaticamente macchine non più funzionanti.

  • Supporto a numerosi supporti e modalità di ripristino
    Total Backup Recovery Server supporta tutti i tipi di dispositivi di boot, come CD/DVD, USB flash, Hard Disk USB, Chiavi USB, PC senza dischi e PXE server. Permette di effettuare il boot nel Recovery Manager ed effettuare il ripristino quando il sistema non è in grado di partire.

  • Dimentica i tempi di down dei sistemi aziendali!
    La creazione di una immagine di backup richiede pochissimo tempo.L´esecuzione dei backup non interferirà più con l´attività delle altre applicazioni, nè inibirà l´accesso ai database.

  • Supporto tecnico gratuito
    Il supporto a tutti i prodotti Farstone è gratuito e garantito da un pool di tecnici specializzati.

  • Progettato per la tua tranquillità
    Total Backup Recovery è un software progettato con cura, in grado di fornire tutte le funzionalità necessarie per implementare anche le soluzioni di disaster recovery più complesse.

Total Backup Recovery 7
Business Editions

Total Backup Recovery Advanced Server
Total Backup Recovery Advanced Server

Gestione centralizzata
Total Backup Recovery Advanced Workstation
Total Backup Recovery Advanced Workstation

Total Backup Recovery Server
Total Backup Recovery Server

Total Backup Recovery Workstation
Total Backup Recovery Workstation (TotalRecovery™ 7 Pro)

Windows 7, XP, e Vista; (32 & 64 bit) check check check check
Windows 2000 Server, 2003 Server, Windows 2008; (32 & 64 bit) check   check  
Windows Small Business Server 2000, 2003, 2008; (32 & 64 bit) check   check  
Console di amministrazione (1:1 & 1:gestione multipla) check check    
Gestione, backup e ripristino di tutte le workstation o server check check    
Supporto ai database Server Exchange, Oracle, SQL e Share Point check   check  
Backup di un intero sistema o partizione (immagine) check check check check
Backup di file o cartelle selezionate check check check check
Backup Incrementale check check check check
Backup di un intero sistema o partizione (immagine) al di fuori di Microsoft Windows check check check check
Schedulatore di attività (Jobs) multiple di backup check check check check
Supporto VMware P2V & V2P check check check check
Clonazione di hard drive e partizioni check check check check
Preview delle immagini di backup check check check check
Universal Restore per ripristino su hardware diverso check check check check
Protezione da password e crittografia AES check check  check check
Gestione intelligente e controllo della banda (non è richiesto server dedicato) check check check check
Gestione files aperti (VSS) check check check check
Supporto HDD, RAID, dischi USB esterni, IEEE-1394 (Firewire), CD/DVD, Dischi di rete, NAS, iSCSI, FTP server check check check check
Comandi pre/post esecuzione & notifiche via email check check check check
RAID 0/1/5/10/JBOD hardware e software check check check check
Gestione delle quote check check check check
Strumento per il ripristino di files da un sistema andato in crash check check check check
Ricerca Google Desktop integrata check check check check
Creazione di un CD/DVD di ripristino check check check check
Supporto tecnico gratuito check check check check

“The most user friendly bit of backup gadgetry I have ever seen”

“Must-have! An all-in-one solution that meets your expectations"

"Gives you peace of mind"

"Indispensable tools for backup and restoration"

"Perfect solution for anyone who wants to perform file and drive backups or migrate to a new computer. Total Backup Recovery is powerful and very easy to use!"

"Ensures drive/partition imaging backup, disk cloning, and files backup"

"Da installare e certamente da non disinstallare!"

"You can undo unwanted operations"

"Does it well, with a simple interface and stability"

"Allows users to save a considerable amount of time and storage space"

"Useful when you upgrade your PC"

"We like the possibility to launch the program outside of Windows"

"Here is a solution that has the particularity to work without installing it on the computer"

"Uno dei software di drive imaging e backup più facili da usare presenti sul mercato"

Five big stars *****

We are an IT consultant outfit in Westchester, NY. Recently, we had a PC with a (40GB) hard drive going bad. It was still up and running, but it was making clicking noises on and off. We connected a new 80GB HDD as secondary to the Primary HD for cloning. We initially tried to clone it with Norton Ghost but it kept on "crashing" during the cloning process. Next, we tried it with HD Clone Pro. It was very slow and it was not able to resize the new hard drive. After no success, we tried Total Backup Recovery. We installed it and cloned the drive with the resize HDD enabled. We are VERY HAPPY to say that it did the job for us. We will definitely recommend to all our customers because it's inexpensive and it does the job as advertised. Five big stars ***** Thank you.

Y. J. Chen

Your Program Recovered 5 Years Of Effort

One day I was working on a program which I had been writing on for the last 5 years, when all of a sudden my computer got a virus that completely erased my personal documents, including the program I had been writing. I was in a panic until I remembered I have installed Farstone's Total Backup Recovery. So I opened TBR and it successfully recovered everything. Thank you Farstone, your program recovered 5 years of effort.

Aidan Matson

Excellent product

Everything went perfectly. I made my first back up and restore on 10/02/10 - excellent product. Many thanks!

Michael Peterson

Great tool!

I have been a customer since I received a demo of RestoreIT on one of my graphic card's companion CDs. When TotalRecovery Pro came out, I upgraded in order to back up my Vista Business OS installation. So, the first thing I did was create a fresh complete backup image (password protected) -with just the needed drivers and the available OS updates to date- and save it into a bootable DVD (I love this option) with the universal feature on, of course. A couple of weeks after doing that, and as one of my SATA HDs was faulty -didn't know at that time I must admit- my whole system went "no-no", so I had to recover it from scratch. I reformatted my HD, just in case, then inserted the bootable DVD with the complete system image and finally restarted the computer. After TR Pro was loaded into memory, and before the restoration procedure started, I was prompted for my password. So, I entered the password and ... what? wrong password ... noooo! Please tell me this is a joke, where's the camera? Tried again and again but no, still wrong password, so I took a long breath, drunk some water and suddenly, as a lightning bolt strike, it occurred to me... wait! It cannot be ... I'm not that lazybones ... yes! When I first created the password I forgot to turn CAPS LOCK off. So, I entered again the correct password and from that moment on, everything went ok and my whole system was restored nicely. Some weeks later I realized that my HD was faulty -having done some tests- so I bought a new one and used the image DVD again without any problems. Great tool!

Pedro Guida

Your product has saved us in many other ways more than I could ever begin to write about.

We have about 16 CNC machines that keep our remanufacturing shop running. One of the flaws of these CNC machines is that in the area surrounding the computer, the temperature fluctuates, vibration is enviable and power fluctuations happen every time the CNC moves! The computers have been built tough with dampers and power conditioners that could run a server room, but the one thing they forgot about was the hard drive. It is directly over a power vent and endures a pounding on a regular basis. We figured out that when a hard drive goes down we can lose up to $500,000 in loss time and materials that could have been processed. So we decided to convert all of the hard drives over to compact flash drives with the help of an IDE to compact flash adapter. Your program was critical and will continue to be critical to the success of this project, with the help of Total Backup Recovery, we have been able to make backup copies of our CNC's and also transfer the images to the compact flash drive making our situation with the CNC a whole lot more reliable. We have a process in place that takes about 5 hours and we clone every machine once a month to ensure data recoverability. Your product has saved us in many other ways more than I could ever begin to write about. Thanks for making a great product and the A+ support your company has.

Tom McIntyre

It is the easiest to use of all the programs I have used

I use to have True Acronis True Image version 9 approx 2-3 yrs ago--worked great until the first update when every drive including backups were corrupt. Then I changed to Norton Ghost version 10--worked good until I rebuilt my comp with another mother board, it wanted me to update the drivers. Then I thought I would try True Acronis True Image version 10, worked great except this time, it restored drive C and E but not drive D which was the important one with wedding photos on it etc. I have never had this problem in the past. From reading the forums I knew the program is a bit flaky. I restored the photos back by transferring folders and files across, which took quite a while.

Then I saw your program, the forums on it were very good, it is the easiest to use of all the programs I have used, I did the back ups, all good, the snapshot is great have already used it when I deleted an icon by mistake, then the big one restoring drive D worked perfectly, if I happened to lose all the photos, I'd be a dead man.

Nelson Berlinger
Hanover West Ltd

WOW!! I mean I DO expect these features in a commercial/enterprise application... but for home!!

In the IT field I have used software backup and disk cloning software packages like Veritas Netbackup, Acronis, CommVault, Backup Exec, Norton Ghost, Partition Magic Pro, Tapeware, SureStore, and a few others. Some I am more intimate with than others. Some, well its been a long time since using them.

I do realize that some of them have a different purpose. But what I feel is that TotalRecovery Pro can do just about what all of them can do. Some I have been impressed with while others have much to be desired. It was a sinch to install, very intuitve. Being an application developer, I am a very picky person when it comes to software, its UI and ease of use.

I like how easy it is to create images, snapshots, and incremental backups. The interface is so easy to use compared to the other products above. Sheesh.. not to mention.. I don't even have to shut down my PC and its super fast! I have yet to test a restore on another machine however but that feature about loading on a different PC with dissimular hardware.. well that is awesome! I have done quite a bit PC baselining and imaging..and let me tell you.. this seems way easier than SysPreping!! When I emailed you at first.. I didn't even see the brick level backup capability! I just saw that today and was like WOW! I DO expect these features in a commercial/enterprise application... but for home!! I was blown away.

Rest assured, TotalRecovery Pro is now my choice software package for driving image and system backup/restore needs. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again for a great product!! I have been recommending your product to my friends and co-workers!


Avrai la possibilità di utilizzare un software davvero eccezionale

Avrai la possibilità di utilizzare un software davvero eccezionale. We bought both TotalRecovery Pro and TotalRecovery Express. The Radiology IT Group members really liked TotalRecovery Express. While in TotalRecovery Express, we could map our NAS drive, then image the computer to a folder in the NAS. It worked very well both ways. It also worked great (and fast) with an external USB HD. If you could only have a feature in TotalRecovery Express to access system restore points; however, that´s available in TotalRecovery Pro for a few dollars more. The techs especially liked the fact that you could install additional drivers, if needed, right from the TotalRecovery Express menu.

We plan to use TotalRecovery Pro as part of our Rapid Restore program for critical users such as our Finance section and our grants managers. Some of them cannot afford to be down for even 20 minutes. TotalRecovery Pro will help them stay on line and have a fail-safe restore option.

One of our other options is to set up their PCs with dual hard drives. First we clone drive C to drive D, then unplug drive D. If drive C fails, we simply shutdown, switch the connections from drive C to drive C and drive D to drive C which now becomes a data drive. Boot from the new drive C and pull over the latest files from drive D or from our Iron Mountain backup service. Slick! As soon as we determine how many more machines will be involved, I´ll get in touch with you.

Glad to be of service!

Mark Riesenberger
Manager, Desktop Computing
Department of Radiology
Stanford University

Perfect antidote to keeping my personal/home network of computers and memorable family photos backed up

Every three to four months I would spend countless hours re-installing and backing up computers on my home network, until I came across FarStone. Specifically, TotalRecovery Pro, I now have the perfect antidote to keeping my personal/home network of computers and memorable family photos backed up.

However, my favorite feature of TotalRecovery Pro has the system snapshot, which gives me the ability to take any one of my machines back to a perfectly stable and fast running platform (unlike any anti-virus software).

Not only is it great software but the people, specifically tech support, have always respectfully and promptly responded to my computer and software questions and needs within hours of sending an email.

Thanks to everyone at FarStone!

Sean (East Coast, Canada)

It works for me

If you´re looking for a product which is easy to install for data backup or recovery and doesn´t cost a fortune, that is simple to use, to recover “crashed systems” after the virus attacks, wrong driver installs, “blue screen of death” or migrating to new hardware etc, then use TotalRecovery, it works for me. Tech support actually replies to your inquiries within 48 hours as well.


My StarCraft saved

One time I was playing Starcraft when my cat jumps on the keyboard and starts jumping around!! I got mad so I took it outside when I noticed my computer froze. I restarted my computer and I found out my cat clicked uninstall button for the game! (I don't know why I even had that icon.) So I began to rummage around my room when I accidently stepped on my CD. After hours of shouting and anger management (jk:D), I check my computer to see if I could use TotalRecovery to save my disk. It took me minutes before I found my game in some other file. But in the end of the day: the cat got wet, reinstalled my game, killed alot of aliens :D.


Best back up and recovery software on the planet at any price

FarStone´s TotalRecovery is very easy to use, cost effective and it does the job right. I am very happy with FarStone´s TotalRecovery. FarStone´s TotalRecovery is the best back up and recovery software on the planet at any price.

Dale Nugen

In few minutes the computer is back on track

I have 3 kids and their friends keep damaging home computers. They treat computers really bad. After 2 to 4 months the computers became slow and full of problems, unknown software, etc. ...It is time for Farstone to reinstall the image.... in few minutes the computer is back on track, couple more minutes to update software patches. Finally, I get a new computer image and ready for the next challenge. The same process without Farstone could take 1 to 2 days.

Carlos Guzman

An absolute must for protection from disc crashes

The first product I used from FarStone was RestoreIt, which is now incorporated into TotalRecovery Pro. RestoreIt saved my computer on more than one occasion and is so easy to use. TotalRecovery Pro is an absolute must for protection from disc crashes. A whole disc backup takes far less time than some pieces of backup software. Backups can be set to allow for the restore to be made to any other hard drive. Backups can also be kept up to date by using incremental backups (adding all changes to data). The clone feature allows for a complete, fast, and restorable copy of your hard drive. One big advantage of TotalRecovery Pro is the ability to restore a cloned drive to any other hard drive. The Snapshot facility, run on start-up, or any other time, is fast, and easier to use than the Windows version. The support team at FarStone is helpful and speedy in response to inqueries.

Peter (Yorkshire)

Un rapporto qualità/prezzo senza dubbi ottimo

After two hard drive crashes in two months and all that it entails I went searching for a reliable back up system that included not just data but apps as well. A search of the web resulted in what seemed to be two trustworthy software's. Close inspection revealed that TotalRecovery was Un rapporto qualità/prezzo senza dubbi ottimo. Not only was back up offered but cloning as well, together with the ability to schedule work.

After downloading and running I encountered some teething problems of my own making and contacted FarStone support. The answers I received were prompt and easy to understand, and best of all they worked. Because of the first class software and support received I have now upgraded to TotalRecovery Pro which gives even more sophisticated features.

Trevor Hughes

I have recently switched from using Acronis True Image to DriveClone Pro. Why?

I have recently switched from using Acronis True Image to DriveClone Pro. Why? Acronis does not work with modern computer hardware, particularly SATA drives and their Customer Support is sadly and disappointingly, abysmal. I have a number of computers, three with non-SATA drives and my most recent acquisition is a powerful quad core with SATA drives. Acronis True Image worked well with non-SATA computers and it totally failed to work on my newest hardware.

Their newest version, Acronis True Image 2009 will allow one to make backups but will fail when restoring from these backup archives. The Rescue Media (boot disk) generated from their newer version refuses to boot the computer. It takes days for their Customer Support to respond and their stock answer is to provide a customised ISO (which in my case failed). At this time I also discovered a number of my colleagues were having problems with their upgraded Acronis True Image 2009 version in that during back up Acronis True Image deleted their Outlook pst folder!! That indeed is a serious flaw suggesting their products are released without adequate testing! I have since discovered that Acronis´ own user Forum is full of unresolved user woes stretching back a couple of years or more. Had I known of this I would never have bought their product despite the good reviews in computer press. Also, their product does not uninstall cleanly and requires quite an effort to purge registry and other remnants manually.

With the failure of Acronis True Image that I experienced I had to search for a disk image backup/restore solution that actually works on modern hardware. I am indeed glad that I discovered TotalRecovery Pro, which just fits the bill. The boot disk works. The backup and restore processes work flawlessly. Their Customer Support is, refreshingly responsive and one is totally reassured when relying on their products. I have found this to be a totally trouble-free experience having switched to TotalRecovery Pro from Acronis True Image.

I would urge and recommend anyone facing problems with Acronis True Image to switch to TotalRecovery Pro and enjoy stress-free disk image backup and restore experience.

Ash Johnson

Thumbs up to Farstone for a great product

Working in the IT support sector I realized that I was guilty of not properly backing up my own home computer. I was fairly certain I wanted to be able to create a snapshot of my entire hard drive in case of a catastrophic hardware failure. I didn't want to spend the time loading the OS then loading all the applications and do the countless configuration settings. While doing internet searches for such a backup solution I found Farstone TotalRecovery. It appeared to be just what I was looking for and was quite affordable. I compared user reviews and found many people liked the power and simplicity of the product. After downloading the trial version I tried it out and must agree that TotalRecovery is simple to use and would fulfill all my computer backup needs. The Windows PE interface that TotalRecovery uses is much better than the older Pre-OS (DOS-mode) used previously for a recovery boot. BTW, I did have to contact Farstone support for an issue I had and found the support very fast and they quickly worked through my issue. Thumbs up to Farstone for a great product.

IT professional
  • What is Total Backup Recovery ™ Server, and what does it do?
    Total Backup Recovery ™ Server is FarStone Technology's backup and disaster recovery solution for Windows. It allows the users to schedule (or manually create) frequent, image-based backups of their local disks and store them on disk-based or network destinations. The backup images include all files, settings, programs and operating system files on the volume, and are an exact representation of the entire volume at the time the backup was created. Altre Informazionirmation about each Total Backup Recovery product can be found on their respective product pages.

  • What free trial software is available?
    FarStone Technology is happy to offer a free 30-day trial for all Total Backup Recovery products. You’ll find a downloadable version on the “free trial tab” of the Total Backup Recovery Server product page. Once the free trial is over, backed up images will be deleted from your system.

  • How do I get help if I need it?
    If you need assistance with any of our products, please refer to the comprehensive User Guide available on our website. If you are unable to find the solution you are looking for, obtain a Support Ticket to get in touch with our Technical Support.

  • Where may I purchase FarStone software?
    FarStone Technology products may be downloaded from our online product pages or from any of our reseller partners. If you originally purchased Total Backup Recovery Server from an authorized FarStone Technology Value Added Reseller (VAR), you may wish to purchase any additional licenses through that reseller.

  • How long does it take Total Backup Recovery Server to back up or restore a system?
    This depends on the amount of data on your system. However, Total Backup Recovery Server’s technology minimizes the time it takes to perform a backup.

  • I started Total Backup Recovery Server in Windows immediately after installation completed, but a message says that I have to restart my computer in order to run it. Why?
    You have to restart your computer after installing Total Backup Recovery Server, in order for all configuration.

  • Can Total Backup Recovery Server fix my system after my hard drive has been accidentally formatted or repartitioned?
    Yes — if Total Backup Recovery Server was installed prior to the incident.

  • I’ve installed three operating systems on my computer, including Linux. Can Total Backup Recovery Server protect all three systems?
    Total Backup Recovery Server protects multiple Windows operating systems completely, and we recommend using Back Up Computers to protect the non-windows systems.

  • Can Total Backup Recovery Server protect my PC from a destructive virus?
    While Total Backup Recovery Server cannot prevent the actual virus attack, it can restore your computer to a point before the attack occurred, recovering your files and effectively removing the virus.

  • Does the Total Backup Recovery Server conflict with any other applications?
    Please close the following applications when launching Total Backup Recovery Server: Utimaco SafeGuard, Besides, be aware of the following applications, which is conflict with system snapshot: Norton GoBack, RecoveryGenius, Acronis OS Selector, Acronis TrueImage, SafeguardV4.2, OSL2000.

  • Which partition types does Total Backup Recovery Server recognize?
    NTFS, FAT, FAT32, Linux Ext2 and Ext3.

  • What are the latest prices?
    The latest prices (MSRP) for FarStone Technology software are posted on the website.

  • How are your products licensed?
    Each product is licensed per machine, unless otherwise stated (i.e, purchasing a multiple license bundle). If you wish to install and activate the product on multiple machines, you will need to purchase additional licenses.

  • If I purchase Total Backup Recovery Server software, do I download it, or will you send me official product CDs in the mail?
    You will have the option during the purchase to request any Total Backup Recovery product CD by mail (for a small shipping fee), or you may choose to download the software. The download comes in the form of a small installer to install the software in Windows.

  • Why couldn´t I install 64-bit driver for my RAID card in Pre-OS Recovery Manager?
    Please use 32-bit driver and try again.

  • Why can´t I see computer list in &My Network Places” when I want to back up or restore from a network shared folder within Recovery Manager? What should I do?
    1. We recommend you change the workgroup name of computers to default name “Workgroup”. And then program will list all computers automatically.
    2. Or, if you don’t want to modify existing workgroup name, please map the shared folders by follow below instructions:
    a. Click “Map Network Drive” on “Network” tab bar.
    b. Enter the location of shared folder, user name, and password on input box.
    c. If the computer you want to connect to is on a domain, you would enter the domain name, user name, and password. For example: domain\username.
    d.If you are connecting to a computer in a workgroup, you would enter the remote computer name an user name. For example: remote_computer_name\username.
    e. After mapping network drives, you can save your back image to a network folder.

  • How could I back up Oracle database using VSS?
    Oracle 11g supports VSS, but earlier versions does not. For any version prior 11g, you may use Pre/Post command function to suspend and restart Oracle service. Please see below instruction:
    Oracle script
    Stop common Oracle Services, please use the below batch script:
    rem //Stop Oracle service. In "oracleserviceorcl", "orcl" is the "ORACLE_SID" user input during installing Oracle; you should change it according to your actual environment.
    net stop oracleserviceorcl
    rem //Stop Oracle Listening service. "oracleoradb10g_home1tnslistener" need
    to be changed according to your actual environment.
    net stop oracleoradb10g_home1tnslistener
    rem // Stop oracle Console service. "oracledbconsoleorcl" need to be changed according to your actual environment.
    net stop oracledbconsoleorcl
    Restart common oracle Services, please use the below batch script:
    rem //Start ORACLE service. "oracleserviceorcl" is the actual service name, which need to be changed according to your actual environment.
    net start oracleserviceorcl
    rem //start Oracle Listening service. "oracleoradb10g_home1tnslistener" need to be changed.
    net start oracleoradb10g_home1tnslistener
    rem //start oracle Console service. "oracledbconsoleorcl" need to be changed.
    net start oracledbconsoleorcl

  • How do I convert backup image to VMware file format
    Within “Tool” tab from main user interface, select an item called “Convert Backup to Virtual Disk”. By using this tool, you’ll be able to convert a saved Full-image to VMware file format. Once converted, it can be used in your virtual application. Here are the steps:
    1. Login to VMware office web site and download and install VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vddk/
    2. Click “Tool” from the left side navigation in main UI and select “Convert Backup to Virtual Disk” feature
    3. Select the image backup that you want it to be converted. The file extension of image backup is .sco
    4. Select a converting type (a partition or the entire hard drive)
    5. Select the destination path where you want to store the converted VMware file
    6. Once converting process completed, a VMware file with .vmdk extension can be found in your selected folder.
    7. You can reference VMware user guide for inserting virtual disk in VMware machine. Or, you can follow below steps:
    a. Select a “New” VMware machine from its menu “File > New > Virtual Machine”
    b. Select “Custom (Advanced” when asked what type of configuration do you want
    c. In the “Guest Operating System Installation”, select “I will install the operating system later”
    d. In “Select a Disk”, select “Use an existing virtual disk”. And then browse for the converted vmdk file by selecting “Select an Existing Disk”

  • How to set up a free PXE Server in Windows?
    Click here to see detailed instructions.

  • How can I convert image backup from VMware format to VHD format?
    Please download VMDK to VHD file converter from here. This file conversion tool allows you to convert image file from VMware format to VHD format.

Sistemi Operativi Supportati

check Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit)

check Windows Vista (32 & 64-bit)

check Windows XP (32 & 64-bit)

check Windows Server 2008 (32 & 64-bit)

check Windows Server 2003 (32 & 64-bit)

check Windows Server 2000 (32 & 64-bit)

check Windows Small Business Server (Sia 32 che 64 bit)

Storage supportati per archiviare i backup

check Hard Disk interni, Hard Disk USB esterni, USB Flash, Dischi SSD (Solid State Drive), Dispositivi Firewire (IEEE 1394)

check Cartelle condivise in rete, Dischi di rete, NAS (Network Attached Storage), iSCSI, e iPSAN Storage

check RAID 0/1/5/10/JBOD Disk Array

check CDR/RW e DVD+-R/RW

check Backup geografico via protocollo FTP

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Da installare e certamente da non disinstallare!

Uno dei software di drive imaging e backup più facili da usare presenti sul mercato

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More to the point, Drive Clone Pro still gives me everything that I decided I liked in the old Restore IT product, but added some features that has me scratching my head wondering why I so rarely see these features in their competitor’s products. By Brian Chee, InfoWorld - Oct 20, 2007

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