FarStone Inc.
Virtual Drive Network software
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Windows 7, XP & Vista; 32 & 64 bits; Linux

Ultima Versione:12

Condividi CD e DVD attraverso la rete locale senza dover gestire i supporti fisici! Ora compatibile con Windows 7!

VirtualDrive® Network 12 è un programma di archiviazione digitale in grado di creare files compressi, o "dischi virtuali" da CD e DVD contenenti software, dati, video, foto e musica. Crea migliaia di dischi virtuali e consultali ad una velocità 200 volte superiore a quella che si avrebbe utilizzando i supporti fisici! VirtualDrive® Network è ideale per scuole, istituti, librerie, enti governativi e aziende.

“Non capita più di avere CD rovinati o smarriti. Ho intenzione di espandere l´uso di VirtualDrive interconnettendo i computer delle classi e delle biblioteche al server di lavoro. In questo modo sarà garantito l´accesso facile a enciclopedie, dizionari e atlanti su CD ROM. Siamo molto soddisfatti dei risultati ottenuti.”

Michael A. Harrell
Eagle Canyon Elementary School
Chino, CA
    Quota Management AES 256 bits encryption Backup Anywhere
    Semplifica la gestione dei VCD grazie alla sua console di amministrazione
    Attraverso una console di gestione centralizzata, l´amministratore può condividere dischi virtuali e garantire che il numero di accessi ai contenuti rispetti la licenza d´uso del prodotto.
    Organizza i tuoi CD virtuali per semplificarne l´uso!
    Archivia i tuoi CD virtuali in una libreria dotata di funzioni di ricerca. E´ possibile anche copiarli su diversi hard disk, computers, o CD di backup - dipende tutto da te!
    Gestione delle licenze d´uso
    Limita il numero di utenti che possono accedere contemporaneamente a un CD virtuale, in modo da rispettare la licenza d´uso dei software presenti sui dischi.
  • Risparmia denaro con VirtualDrive® Network 12!
    VirtualDrive® Network 12 è più conveniente di molti altri software di archiviazione digitale

  • Elimina la necessità di utilizzare dischi fisici
    Con VirtualDrive® Network 12 , è possibile convertire dischi fisici in VCD in modo da non aver più necessità di organizzare e archiviare i dischi fisici.

  • Metti al riparo i supporti fisici originali dal rischio di graffi o danni accidentali.
    CD e DVD sono estremamente delicati e possono essere facilmente danneggiati. Con i CD virtuali, metti al sicuro dati, programmi, informazioni, musica e giochi.

  • Esegue fino a 23 CD virtuali contemporaneamente
    Diversamente dai lettori CD tradizionali, VirtualDrive® Network 12 non limita il numero di CD virtuali che possono essere eseguiti nello stesso istante.

  • Ottimizza le performance delle tue applicazioni
    I CD virtuali vengono riprodotti ad una velocità 200 volte superiore rispetto ai supporti fisici, migliorandone il loro uso.

  • Possibilità di trasportare i propri CD virtuali sul notebook, su un hard disk esterno o su qualsiasi altro dispositivo di memorizzazione.
    Eliminando l´uso dei supporti fisici, è possibile trasportare le proprie applicazioni, DVD, giochi e dizionari è all´interno del proprio notebook.

  • Organizzazione di aule corsi in modo economico ed efficiente
    E´ possibile archiviare tutti i CD/DVD di dizionari, enciclopedie, manuali etc. su un server VDN e renderli accessibili attraverso la rete agli studenti che seguono le lezioni.

  • Utilizzo e supervisione semplificati
    Gli studenti o gli impiegati non devono gestire il prelievo, l´utilizzo e la riconsegna dei supporti. E´ sufficiente un click del mouse.

  • Performance superiori
    L´esecuzione di CD virtuali non solo è 200 volte più veloce dei CD fisici, ma non c´è alcun ritardo dovuto alla rotazione del disco ("spin-up delay").

  • Archiviazione dei CD/DVD
    Protegge i CD e DVD da smarrimenti, danni accidentali e furti creando copie compresse di alta qualità e rendendole disponibili in rete. Organizza e gestisce i CD virtuali con una interfaccia semplice da utilizzare.

  • Creazione personalizzata di CD virtuali
    Crea CD virtuali personalizzati contenenti documentazione, pacchetti di espansione, e programmi specifici.

  • Esecuzione multipla di più dischi virtuali
    Esegue fino a 23 CD virtuali contemporaneamete sui computer degli utilizzatori, senza necessità di sostituire ogni volta i dischi fisici nel lettore.

  • Supporto formato ISO
    Esegue files ISO o altre immagini standard di CD/DVD

  • Supporto delle protezioni Copyright
    Il supporto ai giochi di FarStone è uno dei più completi presenti sul mercato.

  • Supporto Windows 7 e Vista
    VirtualDrive gira su Windows 7 32 e 64 bit, Vista, XP, 2000, Server 2003 e Server 2008.
Caratteristica/Funzionalità VirtualDrive Pro
VirtualDrive Pro 12

VirtualDrive Pro
VirtualDrive Pro 14

VirtualDrive Network
VirtualDrive Network 12

Creazione di file immagine virtual CD check check check
CD virtuali con dati personalizzati check check check
Aggiunta e rimozione di drive virtuali check check check
Ricerca di file immagine di CD virtuali check check check
Ricerca di files immagine ISO check check check
Conversione tra files immagine di formati differenti check check check
Utilizzo di cartelle per organizzare i CD Virtuali check check check
Importazione ed esportazione di un elenco di CD Virtuali check check check
Modifica delle proprietà di un drive virtuale check check check
Funzionalità di autorun attivabile/disattivabile su drive virtuale check check check
Modifica delle proprietà di un CD virtuale check check check
Creazione di CD virtuali protetti da password check check check
Compressione di CD virtuali check check check
Esplorazione di un CD virtuale senza doverlo inserire in un drive virtuale check check check
Creazione di script per eseguire automaticamente un CD virtuale quando inserito in un drive virtuale check check check
Clonazione di dischi check check check
Masterizzazione di files personalizzati su un disco check check check
Ripristino di un CD virtuale su un disco check check check
Cancellazione di dati su un disco check check check
Supporto per la pubblicazione di un disco virtuale sulla rete check check check
Supporto Blu-Ray   check check
Visualizzazione delle cover in sequenza   check check
Cover per CD Virtuali personalizzabili   check check
Supporto per Touch Screen   check check
Procedure Guidate   check check
Controllo della gestione (a client)     check
Database     check
Console     check
Controllo degli accessi     check
Controllo del numero di accessi per ciascun CD virtuale     check

"Una interfaccia utente semplice e una completa integrazione con il sistema operativo fanno di questo software un prodotto irrinunciabile per coloro che lavorano con un gran numero di CD o DVD."


PC Magazine 5 Stars


"Rimarrete a bocca aperta vedendo la differenza di velocità"

"Sicuramente merita la vostra attenzione se ricercate un prodotto in grado di farvi lavorare (o giocare) meglio "

"Adoro questa applicazione. Funziona senza problemi soddisfando le aspettative"


"Virtualdrive da Farstone è la risposta. Lavora senza dare problemi e vale il denaro speso."

Pen Computing

"Virtualdrive è utile per i videogiocatori e chi viaggia perchè evita di portare con sè i CDROM/DVDROM originali"

"Facile da usare, elegantemente disegnato e veramente utile"

"Ottimizza la velocità di esecuzione dei programmi e dei giochi"

"Un fenomeno monumentale che si abbatte sul mercato del software come una tempesta"

"Virtualdrive è un software eccellente e gli sviluppatori di Farstone hanno eseguito egregiamente il loro compito"



"Abbiamo apprezzato le numerose funzionalità del programma, che giustificano il suo prezzo"

I can NOT count the times your software has saved me

I am no one special, just an ordinary computer user. I have used your program for many years now. I can´t imagine not having your software on my PC. I can´t count the times I have been required to insert a CD to make an update on my PC. Or have to re-install a program for it to work correctly. I travel and do not take all my CD´s with me, but I do carry my VCDs with me everywhere. I can NOT count the times your software has saved me. Having complete access to ALL of my software, ALL the time is “priceless”. Thanks for the fantastic software.


Senza dubbio uno dei migliori software che abbia mai usato

Superior results, especially for the mobile traveler with a laptop. I can take all my entertainment CDs with me on my VirtualDrive. I have been using this product for 3 years.

Eric Spitzer
Store Manager, NY

Best software I have ever purchased

I use VirtualDrive for my personal business. No more shuffling of CDs. I have loaded 27GB on one VirtualDrive.

Jacob Galstain, CA

We would recommend VirtualDrive Network to any school

We purchased the FarStone VirtualDrive Network last year for use in our elementary school (K-4) computer lab. It has met, if not surpassed, our expectations for the lab environment. Looking forward, we would like to incorporate its use across our LAN, so that the students can access the same applications from their classrooms. Application setup on our server was not difficult, nor was installation on client machines. We would recommend VirtualDrive Network to any school needing an easy, fast, and reliable means to share applications.

Bob Elliott
Computer Lab Tech
Forest Hill Elementary School
Forest Hill, CA

We have been very happy with the results and receive many visits from other schools

The major benefit of VirtualDrive has been not having to handle any more CDs. We took all of the software programs, such as Kid Pix Studio, that normally need to be in the CD-ROM drive and now run them off a single work server using VirtualDrive. I have been very impressed with the access speed and can even run the programs on computers that do not have CD-ROM drives.

We have no more lost or damaged CDs. I plan to expand the use of VirtualDrive by networking the classroom and library research computers to the work server. This will provide easy access to CD-ROM-based encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases. We have been very happy with the results and receive many visits from other schools that are interested in following the same program.

Michael A. Harrell
Eagle Canyon Elementary School
Chino, CA

Why did we wait so long to get this software?

We purchased FarStone Technology´s VirtualDrive Network software to eliminate the necessity of having teachers map and load CDs in each of their students´ computers. The software installation was very simple and easy to accomplish. With just a little training, teachers have adapted quickly to the use of VirtualDrive and asked:
"Why did we wait so long to get this software?"

Alan Callner
Computer Technician/Network Administrator
Mohave Valley Elementary School District #1
Mohave Valley, AZ

Vorrei aver scoperto questo CD virtuale molto tempo prima!

I´m very excited about this excellent product. My embroidery biz uses a lot of artwork and I have hundreds of CDs to manage. Searching for artwork on many CDs used to be so time consuming and is MUCH faster and easier now. Vorrei aver scoperto questo CD virtuale molto tempo prima!

John Knight
Small Business Owner,
Lake Forest, CA

VirtualDrive keeps those important CDs in my reach at all times.

I am a programmer and I use VirtualDrive for two main applications. One of them is quick conversion and mounting of Isis from the MSDN library, and the other is keeping an always ready image of my machine´s OS, and application CDs such as Office which seem to always be scattered when I need them because Office is calling for the original CD. VirtualDrive keeps those important CDs in my reach at all times. I have three licenses for it and it is on all of my machines - two laptops and a desktop. My wife has even found the joys of VirtualDrive--she uses it to cache her game CDs and run them as fast as possible.

Chicago, IL

I love it when things work as they should

I did download the VirtualDrive 12 you suggested and it works fantastic! Thanks also to FarStone for giving me the $19.99 upgrade option and the instant electronic delivery. I love it when things work as they should. Best wishes to you and FarStone,

Jim Goodykoontz

I have probably saved several hundred dollars

My main use for it is to protect the original CD's for my kids' learning programs. They used to scratch the discs to the point of uselessness very quickly, so instead, I keep the originals now and I put whatever program they want on their computer until they don't want it anymore. The kids can have many games installed on the same computer with no risk of destruction. I have probably saved several hundred dollars because I didn't have to buy replacements.

Rico Mariani, Microsoft

I know it' s not magic, but it seems to be. Job well done!

I've begun to use Virtual Drive 12, initially downloaded as a (probable) means of speeding up occasional game play, which it does in spades! (As though I had time for it! - I'm ancient and have a particular fondness for the slightly-less-ancient Lucas Arts Star Wars shoot 'em up games - - XWing/Tie, etc. - - as stress-relieving entertainment.)

In real life, Im a consulting engineer with need for a wide array of reference materials, and a serious appreciation for anything that genuinely helps to speed my work. As with many busy folks, I don't wait well, and have just constructed a new quad-core super-go-fast machine to help alleviate delay issues with drawings and large spreadsheets, especially with interrelated multitasking. Games are a fun outlet, but Virtual Drive is emerging as a professional necessity in the quest for speed.

Virtual Drive is remarkably simple and intuitive, and a terrific help in eliminating "in-drive" disc requirements, and in obliterating disc delays. Additionally, some older discs are getting a bit scruffy, and this alternative will prevent further handling/use damage. It copies expertly and with uncanny accuracy. Very versatile with alternative formats.

I know it's not magic, but it seems to be. Job well done!!

As I work with it, I am coming to understand its remarkable potential. I see now that it can provide a high-speed substitute for all of my professional reference CDs, such as for CAD symbols, forms, fonts, info libraries, etc. Though a lifelong and arguably well-justified skeptic, I'm getting excited - it will save many valuable hours. Interestingly, after only a few applications I'm now looking at every CD I use frequently as a candidate for conversion. Am archiving copies of the virtual CDs in satellite storage (HDDs are cheap - time isn't.)

My sole suggestion would be to include a simple animation during search operations indicating that there's something happening - there are long and disquieting "dry spells" while the computer is "thinking" during which one is tempted to kill the thing and start over. Perhaps a simple message that delays may continue for minutes (seems a lifetime if you're a skeptic) while the program and disc are shaking hands would suffice.

Thanks for a great product.

John W. Popp
JPinc Consultants

Our customers will find VirtualDrive to be very useful and convenient

VirtualDrive's unique capability to enhance user mobility is a perfect fit for a Tablet PC designed to provide full-function computing in an ultra-mobile form factor. Our customers will find VirtualDrive to be very useful and convenient.

David Altounian
Chief Operating Officer
Motion Computing

VirtualDrive is one of the most stable and solid pieces of software

We have never encountered any problems. It is a timesaver in the school environment; it eliminates the need for students to handle expensive software and allows students to have a wider selection of software

Russ Backman
Director of Technology Children's Home of Stockton
Stockton, CA
  • What is VirtualDrive Network?
    VirtualDrive Network is a digital archiving program that creates compressed files, or “virtual discs,” from software, video, photo, and music CDs and DVDs. These files can be saved to a network, to a standalone computer, or to a portable medium like a flash card, and used instead of original CDs on any PC equipped with VirtualDrive. You can build thousands of virtual discs and run them on a server at speeds nearly 200 times faster than their CD-ROM counterparts.

  • How many users can share the Virtual CDs simultaneously?
    When virtual discs are placed on a network, any number of users can access them simultaneously while original discs remain stored for safekeeping.

  • In what kind of setting is VirtualDrive Network most beneficial?
    VirtualDrive Network is designed for educational institutions, government agencies, and businesses for easy and efficient sharing of Virtual CDs. Do I have to be a computer wiz to manage my VCDs?

  • Do I have to be a computer whiz to manage my VCDs?
    VirtualDrive Network operates on Windows®-based TCP/IP networks and is easy to implement and manage. Wizards guide the user through most tasks, and in most cases the software can be installed and configured on an entire network in just a few hours.

  • Does VirtualDrive support compression?
    Yes. VirtualDrive’s average compression ratio is usually about 10-30%. For the uncompressed CD titles, the compression ratio can be as high as 50%.

  • How much memory does VirtualDrive use?
    VirtualDrive is a new device for your system. It uses 64 KB of memory to cache the most recently used data for each VirtualDrive.

  • Can I build a VCD from selected files on my computer, network server or CD-ROM disc?
    Yes. You create an ISO9660 CD-ROM image file from the selected files by using a CD-R burning software (for example, Adaptec Easy CD Creator). And then use the "Convert ISO9660 image to VCD" function of VDN admin program, to import it into the VDN file CD jukeboxes.

  • What is the difference between the VirtualDrive evaluation version and the licensed version?
    VirtualDrive evaluation period consists of a 15-Day time limit, creation of 1 virtual drive and a limit of 2 VCDs can be created. The licensed version of VirtualDrive imposes none of these limits and allows for the creation of up-to 23 virtual drives and an unlimited number of VCD files to be created.

  • Where may I purchase FarStone software?
    FarStone Technology products may be from our online product pages or from any of our reseller partners.  If you originally purchased Virtual Drive from an authorized FarStone Technology Value Added Reseller (VAR), you may wish to purchase any additional licenses through that reseller.

  • What are the latest prices?
    The latest prices (MSRP) for FarStone Technology software are posted on the website

  • How are your products licensed?
    Each product is licensed per machine, unless otherwise stated (i.e, purchasing a multiple license bundle). If you wish to install and activate the product on multiple machines, you will need to purchase additional licenses.

  • If I purchase VirtualDrive software, do I download it, or will you send me official product CDs in the mail?
    You will have the option during the purchase to request a VirtualDrive downloaded product CD by mail (for a small shipping fee), or you may choose to download the software. The download comes in the form of a small installer to install the software in Windows.

Requisiti Server Virtual Drive Network

Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server2008 (32 e 64 bit) / Windows 7

512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM o superiore consigliato)

Console di amministrazione

Windows XP/ Server 2003/Vista/Server2008 (32 e 64 bit) / Windows 7

Drive CD

7 MB di spazio su hard disk se funzionante in peer to peer

Modulo Client

Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server2008 (32 e 64 bit) / Windows 7

Non è richiesto il lettore CD

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Cosa dicono i clienti?

Raccomandiamo VirtualDrive Network a tutte le scuole

— Bob Elliott
Computer Lab Tech
Forest Hill Elementary School
Forest Hill, CA

Siamo stati molto soddisfatti dei risultati ottenuti e riceviamo molte visite dalle altre scuole

— Michael A. Harrell
Eagle Canyon Elementary School
Chino, CA

Perchè ci ho messo tanto prima di acquistare questo software?

— Alan Callner
Computer Technician/Network Administrator
Mohave Valley Elementary School District #1
Mohave Valley, AZ

So che non è una magia, ma lo sembra.Gran bel lavoro!

— John W. Popp
JPinc Consultants

Riconoscimenti per DriveClone Pro

More to the point, Drive Clone Pro still gives me everything that I decided I liked in the old Restore IT product, but added some features that has me scratching my head wondering why I so rarely see these features in their competitor’s products. By Brian Chee, InfoWorld - Oct 20, 2007

WOW... Quanto tempo risparmiato!!!”

DriveClone’s Got Your Backup

“Uno dei software di drive imaging e backup più facili da usare presenti sul mercato."

FarStone Introduces Low-Cost Backup Software for SMBs

“Un prodotto ben fatto.”

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